Sunday, August 18, 2013

How are Confined Spaces treated on Ships ?

How are Confined Spaces treated on Ships?
How are Confined Spaces treated on Ships? I know nothing of marine safety, only that what little legislation I've seen exempts ships and docks in general terms, but ships and crews must face the same hazards as land based confined spaces. 

This question was prompted by watching a TV programme called 'Mighty Ships' which showed a new Norwegian cruise ship, in it, an engineer was seen inspecting ballast tanks below the water line, he was alone (apart from the film crew!) he did not have any equipment other than a torch. There was only one entrance and that was tight - not really big enough for a BA set, so why if it was such a new ship was the entrance hole not bigger too?

  As far as i know the hazards and the risks associated with entry into a confined space whether on board ship or on land doesn't differ the slightest. There may be slight differences between country to country's Act and regulations on the procedures and permit requirements for a confined space. So how to treat entering a confined space? Firstly follow the statutory requirements of the country where the ship is berthed, or docked unless you are in international water either underway or cruising.Ensure a thorough inspections is carried out for presence of O2, H2S, N2O, CO, and VOCs. Provides for illuminations, ventilations and LOTO where spadings are crried out to all inlets and outlets valves using appropriately rated blinds.De-energized all electrical power associated with the confined space (LOTO). Prior to entering a standby person manned at the entry point and if necessary a team of rescuer. Use SCBA only when it is necessary because it poses more risk than benefits. Oxygen content at all time in the CS must not be less than 19.5 percent and not exceeding 32.5percent. Comply to all other requirements related to the task intended. Eg. Hot work, working at height etc inside the confined space. Lastly do not enter alone.

  .Safe Working in Confined Spaces; 

Size of openings to enable safe access to and egress from confined 

93 Experience has shown that the minimum size of an opening to allow access 
with full rescue facilities including self-contained breathing apparatus is 575 mm 
diameter. This size should normally be used for new plant, although the openings 
for some confined spaces may need to be larger depending on the circumstances, 
for example, to take account of a fully equipped employee, or the nature of the 
94 Existing plant may have narrower openings. It will therefore be necessary 
to check that a person wearing suitable equipment can safely and readily pass 
through such openings. Choice of airline breathing apparatus in such cases offers 
a more compact alternative to bulkier self-contained apparatus. Examples of plant 
where there are narrower openings include rail tank wagons and tank containers 
where an opening of 500 mm diameter is common, and in road tankers where 
the recognised size is 410 mm. Even smaller openings can be found in the highly 
specialised nature of access to certain parts of aircraft, such as to fuel tanks in 
wings. Precautions need to take account of such special cases. 

95 The size and number of access and egress points should be assessed 
individually dependent upon the activities being carried out and the number of 
people involved. Large-scale evacuations may need larger routes and openings to 
prevent them becoming bottlenecks. Top openings to vessels, tanks etc should 
be avoided due to difficulty of access and rescue. Bottom or low manholes are 
preferable and may need access platforms. There may be occasions when access 
and egress is so tortuous, for example, in the double bottom of a ship, that 
temporary openings may be needed. 

So 575mm is seen as the minimum dimension for UK applications. As the access point will have a fixed dimension then we must also consider the physical build of those who we select to enter, work in and leave the confined space.

Difference between Job Safety Analysis and Work Permit

How you will explain the Difference between Job Safety Analysis and Work Permit.

1. job safety analysis (JSA) and safe work method are all tools used to manage risk. 

Step out the task activities 
Identify the hazards (what could hurt someone?) 
Grade and register the initial Risk involved in performing the task 
Identify ways to eliminate or control the risk 
Grade and register the residual risk after the controls are put in place 

A Permit to work system is a formal written system used to control certain types of work which are identify as potentially hazardous. It is also a means of communication between site/installation management, plant supervisors and operators and those who carry out the work. 

best regards

2  The PTW ( Permit To Work ) special case of safe system of work must be in written used to identify the hazards and the methods to control these hazards with safe and proper manner and PTW can be done by designated people (permit holder , Person in charge ,,etc ) 
The PTW can cover the entire activity or process from the begining to the end with a safe and control manner 
JSA is proactive measure used to identify the existing and the potential hazards by involving employees , share ideas ,suggest solutions divide the task into steps and study each one individually with the people involved in the task

3 A JSA is an assessment done on a specific task such as climbing a tower to install antennas. One systematically lists the hazards and associated risks aligned with the task, and puts in place controls to ensure a safe job execution. While a Work Permit, is general assessment done on a nature of activities such as hot works, to ensure foreseeable risks are controlled to prevent any incidents/accidents. In summary JSA applies to a specific task while Work permits apply to a nature of tasks.

4  Before any work permit is given for a specific task or job there should be JSA to analyse the hazard associated with that Task making sure you have put all remedial action in place or resolve those you can before that Job commences. Don't do any Job without JSA. we can also do JSA when we want to change management. Making sure you introduce the Job properly and all hazard associate it.

5  Job safety analysis (JSA), is a safety management tool in which the risks or hazards of a specific job in the workplace are identified, and then measures to eliminate or control those hazards are determined and implemented. More specifically, a job safety analysis is a process of systematically evaluating certain jobs, tasks, processes or procedures and eliminating or reducing the risks or hazards to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) in order to protect workers from injury or illness. The JSA process is documented and the JSA document is used in the workplace or at the job site to guide workers in safe job performance. 

A work permit system is a formal written system to control certain types of work when these are identified as potentially hazardous. The terms "P.T.W.", "permit" or "work permit" refer to the form used in such system which is used by a company to meet its needs. These systems aim to ensure proper planning and consideration are given to the risks involved in a particular job, at a specific time and place, with designated precautions

6  The simple understanding about these two are as like this .JSA is a systematical method in which all the related risks in a specified work is mentioned and its remedies. WORK PERMIT is an official authorization to perform a work.

7  JSA is job safety analysis means identification of the hazard related to the job and precautionary measure to betaken for the elimination of the hazard is called JSA. 

Work permit. is a written document which is authorized a group and person to perform the duties acording to permit condition . permit is issued by authorized person and received by competent person jointly visit the site before working / job decided the precautionary measure and procedure .

8  PTW is an on line system for definite wide range of activities that held in organization,especially in oil & gas industries.and i think "clarifying responsibilities" is the main object of this system. 
JSA is a systematic approach for risk reduction.

9  Job Safety Analysis or Job Hazard Analysis is the first step in determining all hazards of any job, by analyzing each job task. Safe Work Methods or Safe Operating Procedures are usually developed from the JSA or JHA. It is difficult to write safe operating procedures without first determining the job hazards. In 2011 I published a book detailing a Job Hazard Analysis process. If anyone is interested please let me know

10  It is my understanding that a JSA looks at current and prospective injury/illness exposures (I like clients to do these prospectively to force them to anticipate issues and prepare accordingly) and detail actions to minimize these risks, and work (safety) permits do the same for risks and exposures that develop and could not be anticipated. Clients working at Harvard are required to complete and submit Pre-Task Plans prior to performing high risk work. 
11  Most Work Permits have an element that embodies the SWP for the task being Permitted (along with other specific sections as determined by the "client"). The permit it issued by the plant operator for a specific period of time in which the task may be carried out. They may be written by the contractor, then simply signed off on, or may actually require an eyes on by someone from operations to identify visually the area of focus prior to Permit issuance (typical in live plant operations). Depending on the work taking place Work Permits are further broken down into sub-categories Hot Work Permits / Cold Work Permits / Confined Space Permits / Ground Disturbance Permits etc, etc, etc., (or combinations of the above to cover one area of operation).
The Permitting System is in place so that there are no tasks being undertaken on site that Operations is not aware of. how many, who they are, where they are, what they are doing, and when,they'll be doing it. .

  PTW is one of the control system of any clients or big companies in all areas involving hazardous areas like CAT I, CATII, CAT III or ZONE 0, ZONE 1 and ZONE 2. and in any hazardous activities like CS., Excavation and work involving high voltage. 

while the JSA is a written work safety procedure in a specific activity. sometimes attached in submition of method statement and RA to approved the activity by the main safety consultant during the hazardous work like Rigging and Lifting. 
PTW is regulation and procedure while JSA is procedure. They are both safety tools.

12  with Job Safety Assessment (JSA ) done prior to permit issuance. Safe Work Procedure /Practice (SWPs) as applied to the task assist in permit completion & Field Level Risk/Hazard Assessments (FLRA/FLHAs) are done by the crew, at the location, after the permit is issued, but before work begins.

Air Compressor

The three basic types of air compressors are
·        reciprocating
·        rotary screw
·        rotary centrifugal
These types are further specified by:
·        the number of compression stages
·        cooling method (air, water, oil)
·        drive method (motor, engine, steam, other)
·        lubrication (oil, Oil-Free where Oil Free means no lubricating oil contacts the compressed air)
·        packaged or custom-built
Reciprocating Air Compressors
Reciprocating air compressors are positive displacement machines, meaning that they increase the pressure of the air by reducing its volume. This means they are taking in successive volumes of air which is confined within a closed space and elevating this air to a higher pressure. The reciprocating air compressor accomplishes this by a piston within a cylinder as the compressing and displacing element.
Single-stage and two-stage reciprocating compressors are commercially available.
·        Single-stage compressors are generally used for pressures in the range of 70 psig to 100 psig.
Two-stage compressors are generally used for higher pressures in the range of 100 psig to 250 psig.
Note that
·        1 HP ~ 4 CFM at 100 psi
and that 1 to 50 HP are typically for reciprocating units. Compressors 100 hp and above are typically Rotary Screw or Centrifugal Compressors.
The reciprocating air compressor is single acting when the compressing is accomplished using only one side of the piston. A compressor using both sides of the piston is considered double acting.
Load reduction is achieved by unloading individual cylinders. Typically this is accomplished by throttling the suction pressure to the cylinder or bypassing air either within or outside the compressor. Capacity control is achieved by varying speed in engine-driven units through fuel flow control.
Reciprocating air compressors are available either as air-cooled or water-cooled in lubricated and non-lubricated configurations and provide a wide range of pressure and capacity selections.
Rotary Screw Compressors
Rotary air compressors are positive displacement compressors. The most common rotary air compressor is the single stage helical or spiral lobe oil flooded screw air compressor. These compressors consist of two rotors within a casing where the rotors compress the air internally. There are no valves. These units are basically oil cooled (with air cooled or water cooled oil coolers) where the oil seals the internal clearances.
Since the cooling takes place right inside the compressor, the working parts never experience extreme operating temperatures. The rotary compressor, therefore, is a continuous duty, air cooled or water cooled compressor package.
Rotary screw air compressors are easy to maintain and operate. Capacity control for these compressors is accomplished by variable speed and variable compressor displacement. For the latter control technique, a slide valve is positioned in the casing. As the compressor capacity is reduced, the slide valve opens, bypassing a portion of the compressed air back to the suction. Advantages of the rotary screw compressor include smooth, pulse-free air output in a compact size with high output volume over a long life.
The oil free rotary screw air compressor utilizes specially designed air ends to compress air without oil in the compression chamber yielding true oil free air. Oil free rotary screw air compressors are available air cooled and water cooled and provide the same flexibility as oil flooded rotaries when oil free air is required.
Centrifugal Compressors
The centrifugal air compressor is a dynamic compressor which depends on transfer of energy from a rotating impeller to the air.
Centrifugal compressors produce high-pressure discharge by converting angular momentum imparted by the rotating impeller (dynamic displacement). In order to do this efficiently, centrifugal compressors rotate at higher speeds than the other types of compressors. These types of compressors are also designed for higher capacity because flow through the compressor is continuous.
Adjusting the inlet guide vanes is the most common method to control capacity of a centrifugal compressor. By closing the guide vanes, volumetric flows and capacity are reduced.
The centrifugal air compressor is an oil free compressor by design. The oil lubricated running gear is separated from the air by shaft seals and atmospheric vents.


It was the night of 2nd December 1984 when the night shift staff of the Union Carbide Factory, Bhopal, took a round at @ II pm. There were three double walled, partly buried S.S. tanks (No. 610, 611 and 619) each of 60 tonne capacity and all containing the poisonous gas MIC (Methyl isocyanate) to be used to produce a deadly pesticide Carbaryl. At @ 11-30 pm. workers in the plant realised that there was a MIC leak some where : their eyes began to tear. A few of them went to the MIC structure and noticed a drip of liquid with yellowish-white gas, about 50 feet of the ground. They told .the supervisor who, however, decided to deal with the leak after the tea-break which ended at 1240 night. Meanwhile the events had moved very fast.

 The temperature of the tank 610 had reached 25°C the top of its scale and the pressure was increased twenty times rushing towards 40 psi at which the emergency safety valve was to open. Soon the pressure gauge showed 55 psi, the top of the scale and the safety valve had opened releasing MIC With a loud hissing sound and the tremendous heat.  A white cloud drifting over. the plant was. moving towards the sleeping neighbourhood.

 The workers tried to operate the safety devices, but nothing seemed to work. The water jet failed to reach the top of the 120 feet stack from which MIC was escaping.  The vent gas scrubber to neutralise the escaping gas did not work. The scrubber was under maintenance,, the flow meter was not indicating the circulation of caustic soda whose concentration was also not known since October. The flare tower to burn off the gas could not be 'used because its piping was corroded and not replaced. The refrigeration system, of 30 tonne capacity, to keep the MIC in liquid state at 0°C was closed down since June 1984 as an economy drive and the gas was at 15°-20°C Which was unsafe. For approximately two hours, the safety valve remained opened releasing over 50000 pounds of MIC (might also containing Phosgene, Chloroform, Hydrogen cyanide. Carbon dioxide etc.) out of 90000 pounds stored in the tank No. 610 at the time of the incident. Sometime between 1-30 to 2-30 am. the safety valve reseated as the tank pressure went below 40 psi.
Unsafe Conditions

 From the published press reports they seem to be:
1.         The refrigeration system to keep the gas cool was closed since long.
2.         The vent gas scrubber was under designed, not repaired and not connected.
3.         The corroded flare tower pipe not replaced and not connected.
4.         The water curtain jests were underdesigned to reach the maximum height.
5.         All the three tanks were filled in while one ought to have kept empty to use as emergency bypass.
6.         The computerised pressure/temperature sensing system, a warning device to give alarm and to control the situation at the time of abnormal condition was not installed.

7.         The carbon steel valves were used instead of stainless steel and the valves 'were notorious for leaking.
8.         The instruments to check the valve-leakage were not available.
9.         The wind direction and velocity indicator was not installed to warn the people about leakage direction and severity.
10.       The neighbouring community was not told of the significance of the danger alarm and the dangers posed by the materials used in the plant.
11.       Control instruments at the plant were faulty.
12.       Maintenance and operational practices were deteriorated.
13.       Chemical reactors, piping and valves were not purged, washed and aired before maintenance operations.
14.       The blind disc to disallow the water in the tank through the valve was missing.

15.       Under qualified workers were running the factory.
16.       People with chemical engineering background were replaced by less skilled operators.
17.       The workers' strength was reduced from 850 to 642 during preceding two years and the operators duty relieving system was suspended.
18.       The operating manual was grossly inadequate, not specifying all necessary emergency procedures to control abnormal conditions.
19.       At the time of accident, in the MIC control room, there was only one operator who found it virtually impossible to check the 70-odd panels, indicators and controllers.
20.       A design modification of jumper line to interconnect relief valve vent header and the process vent header was defective, as it allowed the water to go into the MIC tank.

Unsafe Actions:

 1.         The leak was not attended as soon as it was reported. Initial time passed in tea break.
2.         The first information of five-fold pressure rise was dismissed in the belief that the pressure gauge could be faulty.
3.         A newly recruited supervisor had asked a novice operator to clean a pipe and the blind disc was not inserted while doing so.

4.         The public siren was put on around 1 am. nearly an hour after the gas leakage and that too for a few minutes.
5.         The correct antidotes and medical treatments were not suggested to surrounding doctors. On the contrary confusion of MIC or Phosgene or Hydrogen cyanide was confounded.
     Unsafe Reactions:

 Above unsafe conditions and actions lead to the violent unsafe reaction. Different hypothesis have been expounded by Carbide's scientists, Indian experts and Dr. S. Varadrajan, who lead the investigations on behalf of the Government.  According to him small quantity of water reacted with Phosgene in the tank, mixed with MIC as animpurity to make it unstable. The Phosgene water reaction (hydrolysis) produced heat, CO2, and HCI.  The heat and HCI acted as the accelerators of the polymerisation, additions and degradation of MIC leading to a runaway reaction. According to others, the increased temperature of MIC (it vaporises above 38°C) generated heat, pressure and side-reactions, higher than normal amount of Chloroform in the stored MIC and an iron catalyst lead to the violet reaction.  Because of the colder night of December, the escaped MIC settled down and travelled downward covering the sleeping surroundings with the blanket of death and damages.

Remedial Measures :

 All the 25 major causes of this accident stated above in (A) and (B) suggest the remedial measures. To avoid repetition, all these contributing causes should be removed first and necessary steps should be taken to run the plant always safe and sound, with all the safety devices properly working.  The working conditions must be improved and unsafe actions must be removed by proper policy, training and education.
 Lessons of Bhopal are well described in the foreword to the IOCU (International Organisation of Consumers Union) in the following words :

 "..  the deadly cloud that wrought havoc at Bhopal... will continue to rear its ugly head in many forms, in many sizes and in many places. Obviously there are many lessons to be learnt about occupational health and safety, about proper sitting of production facilities, about science and technology, about access to information, about trade secrecy, about 'cover ups', about 'double standards',  about medical and legal remedies, about the responsibilities of transnational corporations, governments and international agencies and most crucial of all about what ordinary people can and must do to protect themselves from the plague of such deadly clouds."
 Bhopal incident opened the eyes and gave many lessons for the multinationals, for developed countries and for the developing countries.

 Human life must be equally valued everywhere. No double standard for developed and developing countries. 'Right to know' and 'Obligation to tell' concepts are to be covered by legislation. Training to staff, and workers, emergency procedures, highest standards for plant operation and maintenance and safety equipment, 'worst case' study and assessment, etc. were incorporated in 1987 by the amendment of our Factories Act, 1948.





This guideline will help to effectively use safety signs and colours for the protection of employees and visitors. Experience shows that companies that have implemented a uniform sign and colour system to make hazards more visible and easy to identify have successfully lowered their injury frequency rates.
This note is intended to assist the safety management and act as a source of guidance for staff members to set down the standards for the use of various signs and displays throughout the works.  


To have in place a system for effective visual control to identify significant risks to health and safety of employees and visitors on site. To have standardization of signs across the organization and ensure that employees, contractors, visitors and the neighborhood are effectively informed concerning workplace safety and health hazards and appropriate protective measures.


The employer is legally required to communicate the employees including visitors and neighborhoods of workplace hazards and measures in place to protect occupational health and environment. Hence warning signs and other general signs are posted in workplaces to help reduce the likely hood of an accident or emergency being caused.
It is expected signs are maintained at all times and that adequate instructions and/or training be given to employees on their meaning.
IS 9457 - Health and Safety Codes of Practice specifies which signs are required and the location in which they should be posted.


Respective area managers are responsible to ensure that the requirements for the posting of a safety sign has been identified, such signs are posted, visible at all times, adequately maintained and staff is aware of their meaning and/or requirement.


A safety sign can be one of a number of methods by which health and safety information is communicated.
Safety signs are used to:
Ø  draw attention to health and safety hazards.
Ø  point out hazards that may not be obvious.
Ø  provide general information and directions.
Ø  remind employees where personal protective equipment must be worn.
Ø  show where emergency equipment is located.
Ø  indicate where certain actions are prohibited.


 There are three basic sign categories used in the workplace:
Ø  regulatory
Ø  warning
Ø  information

Each category is distinguished by its shape. These categories are divided into sub-categories
those are recognized by their colour.



1. Regulatory

A circle indicates that an
       order is in force.
1.1    Prohibition
-    forbids an action.

1.2     Mandatory
-    requires an action
-    Red and black on white

-    White on Black
2. Warning

A triangle indicates caution or
2.1  Caution
- indicates a potential hazard

2.2    Danger
-   indicates a definite hazard

-    Black on yellow

-    White on red
3 Information

3.1  Emergency
- indicates first aid, health,
        fire protection, fire fighting,
        emergency equipment.

3.2   General information
        - indicates permission or
        public information

-    White on green

-    White on blue




There are three types of signs used to communicate a safety message. Appropriate sign should be selected depending on the application.

Ø  Symbol signs. Use symbols that are simple and easy to learn and recognize.
Ø  Symbol signs with text.  Include simple text message to help explain the meaning of the symbol or to provide more information.
Ø  Text signs.  Text signs should only be used when no appropriate symbols exist.

                                                           Symbol Sign       Symbol Sign        Text Sign
                                                                                                     with text

1. Regulatory
1.1 Prohibition

1.2 Mandatory

2. Warning
2.1 Caution


2.2 Danger

3. Information
3.1 Emergency


3.2 General Information



This is a sign which provides information by a combination of shape, colour and pictogram which can be seen by lighting of sufficient intensity. In practice signboards are accompanied by supplementary text. There are five main categories of signboard the table below gives further information.



Safe Condition
Fire Fighting
Dangerous behaviour or You must not or do not or Stop
You must do or carry out the action indicated given by the sign or Obey
Hazard or risk of danger or Caution
First aid or Where to go in an emergency or The safe way or No Danger
Identification of equipment or Where to find equipment

Red (outline and diagonal)
White (field)
Blue (field)
Black (outline)
Yellow (field)
Green (field)
Red (field)


White on Red Field

White on Blue Field

Black on Yellow Field

White on Green Field

White on red Field

Illuminated sign:
A sign made from transparent or translucent material which is illuminated from the inside or the rear to give the appearance of a luminous surface. (e.g. emergency exit signs).

Hand signals:
A movement or position of the arms or hands by a person giving a recognized signal and guiding persons who are carrying out maneuvers which may cause a hazard or danger to persons.( e.g. crane operations)

Acoustic signal:
A sound transmitted with mechanical/ electrical device. (E.g. fire alarm alert)

Standard safety signs should be posted to warn of real and/or potential dangers within the workplace.
1.  Signs should be durable, securely fastened and properly maintained to ensure they remain visible.
2.  Danger signs should be used in areas where a failure to adhere to the warning on the sign would result in injury.
3.  Caution signs should be used in areas where a failure to adhere to the warning on the sign may result in injury or occupational illness.
4.  Safety signs should be used to convey guidance to prevent accidents or equipment misuse (i.e. eyewash station, safety shower.) 
5.  Whether the hazard is permanent or temporary e.g. maintenances or project work, whenever signboards are used they must be large, clear, easily seen and understood by employees.
6. The use of reflective material may be needed in areas of poor natural light.
7.  Avoid using too many signboards in close proximity as there is a danger of confusion and of important information being overlooked.
8.  If there is no standard signboard available, then it is acceptable to make your own provided that it conforms to the general principles and has the features stated in the table above.
9.  A text in local language could be added to aid understanding, should be in the same colour as the type of signboard it is supplementing. 

10. Each plant building/structure or room which contains bulk storage of chemicals should post on the exterior address side, a standard sign designating the primary danger of all the substances within the building for each category.
They need to be positioned near the area or near the doors leading to the area or room.
11. Signs used to mark obstacles or dangerous locations should be striped in yellow and black.
12. Markings indicating traffic routes within workplaces should be continuous lines in either yellow or white, depending on the colour of the ground.
13. Fire safety sign is specifically defined as a sign which:
Ø Provides information on escape routes and emergency exits in case of fire
Ø Provides information on the identification or location of fire fighting equipment
Ø Gives warning in case of fire.

Markings could be used as warnings where the use of a sign or tag is infeasible.
1.  Red floor markings outlined in red and/or crossed by diagonal white strips, surround or mark a boundary or a dangerous area. Signs indicating the danger and appropriate regulations shall be posted conspicuously within the marked area. The colour red shall also be used to indicate fire protection equipment and equipment stops and to mark dangers where the probability of an accident is high.
2. Yellow floor markings, outlined in black and/or crossed by diagonal black stripes, if necessary for visibility, shall indicate a tripping hazard or delineate a means of egress. Yellow markings shall also be used to indicate a catching hazard, such as on a machine and potential physical hazards where the probability of an accident is moderate.
3. Orange markings on machinery shall be used to draw attention to removed guards, exposed blades, and similar hazards. Orange markings shall be used on the interiors of electrical switchboxes and other electrical equipment to draw attention to the electrical hazard in places where conductors are exposed.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods as well as Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, specify the symbols on containers.
These symbols indicate the nature of the hazardous material such as compressed gas, corrosive, flammable, oxidizing or toxic material.

Colour attracts attention and can be used extensively for safety purposes. For example, colour can be used as an additional safety measure to indicate hazards or point out safety equipment.
For example, colour can be applied on:


Safety colours are also useful in work areas, and on equipment and machinery. The safety colours and their meanings are listed below, based on the standard.

Colour                                     Meaning                                  Examples

Red                                         Danger or stop                                      - Containers of flammable liquids;
- Emergency stop buttons
   (protect against inadvertent initiation)
- Fire protection equipment

Orange                                   Warning                                             - Hazardous parts of machines which may cut
                                                                                                                  Or crush or otherwise injure a worker;
- Inside of movable guards or
- Inside of    transmission guards for gears,
   Pulleys, chains etc;
- Exposed parts (edges only) of pulleys,      gears, rollers, cutting devices, power jaws, etc.

Yellow                                    Caution                                            - Physical hazards which might result in
Striking against, stumbling, falling,       tripping, being caught in-between;
- Storage cabinets for flammable materials;
- Containers for unstable materials.

Green                                     First aid/safety equipment                                - Emergency egress, exit routes
 - First aid kits /stations/ stretchers;
  -Emergency showers/ eyewash fountain.

Blue                                        Safety information                             - Signs requiring use of,
   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Control panels:
Indicator light button/control
Ø  Red Danger – alarm stop/off
Ø  Yellow Caution - Caution/intervention needed
Ø  Green Safe condition - Start/on

Piping system:
There are many ways you can identify the contents of pipes. The code of practice, however, requires you to train your workers on the identification system you use. A way of ensuring that your employees have a clear understanding of what a pipe contains is by labeling the pipe with a tag that clearly identifies the material inside attaching the appropriate hazard symbol. Use arrows on the pipe to show the direction of the flow of the contents.
Safety colours conventionally used for pipes in the workplace include:


To evaluate your existing safety sign and colour system plan a yearly audit.
Evaluation could be done on the following points.
Ø     What messages need to be conveyed to employees and workplace visitors?
Ø     Which messages are most important to health and safety?
Ø     Do current signs appropriately convey the importance of a message?
Ø     Are current signs and safety colours easy to understand?
Ø     How about the needs of employees who are not literate?

Ø     Are employees trained to understand workplace signs and colours?
Ø     Do employees comply with signs?
Ø     Is there consistency in the use of safety signs and colours?
Ø     Are signs visible, away from clutter or obstructions, and well-lighted?
Ø     Are signs and colours effective in drawing attention to hazards?
Ø     Are signs posted in the best possible location and within an appropriate distance from hazards?
Ø     What is the general condition of existing signs?
Ø     Do signs meet legal requirements?
Ø     Do the signs, symbols and colours used reflect current standards?


After determine your needs, ensure the signs and colours are used consistently. It has advantage that employees learn that signs and colours mean the same thing even when they work in different departments or plant locations. It also enables employees to quickly locate first aid, fire fighting and other emergency equipment.
Signs especially those that indicate hazards should:
Ø  attract a person’s attention
Ø  clearly identify the nature of the hazard
Ø  specify the immediate action required
Ø  be posted in a place that provides enough time for a person to read the sign and act accordingly
Ø  be easily recognized and understood by all employees
Ø  reflect the needs of those who have visual limitations or who do not speak English
Ø  be sized or placed according to the importance of the message.


Ø  Signs should be clearly visible, positioned in the line of sight and free from any obstructions or clutter.
Ø  Keep signs well-lighted natural or artificial for visibility. Observers should be able to read a sign easily and recognize its safety colour and hazard.
Ø  Post the sign within an appropriate distance from the hazard it is pointing out.
Ø  An observer must have enough time to see and read the sign and do whatever is necessary to keep safe.
Ø  In general, signs should be displayed alone. When signs must be grouped together, place them in an appropriate order.
Ø  Use no more than three symbols on a single display board.
Ø  Ensure that directional signs are visible from all directions. Include arrows on exit signs wherever the direction is not obvious. Directional signs should be posted at a consistent height throughout the workplace. They should also be posted at appropriate locations or decision points so that the route to take is always clear.
Ø  Help employees and workplace visitors understand signs quickly by using clear language and symbols that can be learned and recognized easily.
Ø  Keep symbols as simple as possible; eliminate details that don’t make the message clearer.
Ø  Avoid using signs that contain only text messages. A combination of text and symbols is generally the most effective.
Ø  Consider use of local language text understood by the majority of employees with English.
Ø  Use capital letters for the first letter of the first word and small letters for the rest.
Ø  Use appropriate warning words. These can be in capital letters, if you prefer.
Ø  The lettering fonts most recommended are bold or regular face.
Ø  Limit one message to a sign. To convey more than one message, use separate signs.
Ø  Sign boards could be hanging or wall bracketed inside the buildings and on stand alone post in the open area.
Ø  Signs should have rounded or blunted corners to prevent sharp edges, burrs, splinters or other sharp projections.
Ø  Position fastening devices carefully so that they don’t become hazards.


Maintain safety signs in good condition at all times. It reflects on the work culture.
Ø  Inspect signs during regular workplace inspections.
Ø  Replace worn, faded, damaged, and outdated signs.
Ø  Change signs that are often misunderstood.
Ø  Remove signs that are redundant or no longer needed.
Ø  Repaint areas where safety colours have faded.


Everyone may not be aware that there is a purpose for and meaning in the shape and colour of safety signs or colours on equipment and around the workplace indicate hazards.
Ensure that all employees and contractors understand what signs mean and the potential results of not following them. Also point out to employees that their cooperation and feedback are necessary for the system to be effective.
Train employees so that they understand,
Ø  the meaning of the various shapes, symbols and colours used.
Ø  the contents of pipes based on their colour, attached tags and other markings
Ø  the consequences if exposed to the hazard
Ø  safety precautions to follow
Ø  what to do in an emergency
Ø  how to use emergency equipment
Make this training a part of your orientation or induction training for new employees.
Provide employees with orientation handbooks that contain complete and updated information on the safety signs and colours used in your workplace.


Safety posters and slogans are an aid to promote safety culture in the organization. It should be understood that the impact is short lived. The poster which is permanently displayed at one location is overlooked. Hence the poster should be periodically changed for example weekly or monthly. The poster which is well illuminated with focused light has good visibility at all times and gets quick attention.
Do not display posters and slogans which can not be maintained, for example on lamp posts and painted on surfaces of buildings and compound walls. Avoid over doing of such displays. It has a bad impression.
Organize periodic campaigns with focused approach to improve operational safety, for example good housekeeping, safety in use of hand tools and power driven tools. Display posters suitable to activity in the respective area. 
Give priority to posters drawn by the employees to encourage their participation in safety activities.


In the present era of globalization, proper display boards on the premises are essential to project the right image of the organization. Stake holders, Corporate Officials, international dignitaries, visiting the premises should get the positive message of the organization at first look. Display boards play an important role in this regard.
The displays should project,
  • Core values of the organization
  • Vision statement
  • Mission statement
  • Corporate policy statement
The above display boards may be placed in the vicinity of main admin block with unobstructed view. Focused light could be used, so that even after darkness they are visible.
The board depicting national/ international location marks may be displayed in the reception lobby, to show the scale of operations.

The activities of environment protection measures adopted by the organization such as,
  • Environmental conservation practices,  
  • Reduction, recycle and reuse of waste generated on site. These displays could be in the premises, where it is being practiced and implemented.
  • Environmental performance standards.





This guideline will help to effectively use safety signs and colours for the protection of employees and visitors. Experience shows that companies that have implemented a uniform sign and colour system to make hazards more visible and easy to identify have successfully lowered their injury frequency rates. 
This note is intended to assist the safety management and act as a source of guidance for staff members to set down the standards for the use of various signs and displays throughout the works.  


To have in place a system for effective visual control to identify significant risks to health and safety of employees and visitors on site. To have standardization of signs across the organization and ensure that employees, contractors, visitors and the neighborhood are effectively informed concerning workplace safety and health hazards and appropriate protective measures. 


The employer is legally required to communicate the employees including visitors and neighborhoods of workplace hazards and measures in place to protect occupational health and environment. Hence warning signs and other general signs are posted in workplaces to help reduce the likely hood of an accident or emergency being caused.
It is expected signs are maintained at all times and that adequate instructions and/or training be given to employees on their meaning. 
IS 9457 - Health and Safety Codes of Practice specifies which signs are required and the location in which they should be posted. 


Respective area managers are responsible to ensure that the requirements for the posting of a safety sign has been identified, such signs are posted, visible at all times, adequately maintained and staff is aware of their meaning and/or requirement.


A safety sign can be one of a number of methods by which health and safety information is communicated. 
Safety signs are used to:
draw attention to health and safety hazards.
point out hazards that may not be obvious.
provide general information and directions.
remind employees where personal protective equipment must be worn.
show where emergency equipment is located.
indicate where certain actions are prohibited.


 There are three basic sign categories used in the workplace:

Each category is distinguished by its shape. These categories are divided into sub-categories
those are recognized by their colour.

Category Sub-category Colour

1. Regulatory

A circle indicates that an
       order is in force. 1.1 Prohibition
- forbids an action.

1.2 Mandatory
- requires an action
forforbi - Red and black on white

- White on Black
2. Warning

A triangle indicates caution or
   danger 2.1  Caution
- indicates a potential hazard

2.2 Danger
- indicates a definite hazard

- Black on yellow

- White on red
3 Information

3.1  Emergency
- indicates first aid, health,
        fire protection, fire fighting,
        emergency equipment.

3.2   General information 
        - indicates permission or
        public information
- White on green

- White on blue



There are three types of signs used to communicate a safety message. Appropriate sign should be selected depending on the application.

Symbol signs. Use symbols that are simple and easy to learn and recognize.
Symbol signs with text.  Include simple text message to help explain the meaning of the symbol or to provide more information. 
Text signs.  Text signs should only be used when no appropriate symbols exist.

                                                           Symbol Sign       Symbol Sign        Text Sign
                                                                                                     with text 

1. Regulatory
1.1 Prohibition

1.2 Mandatory

2. Warning
2.1 Caution

2.2 Danger

3. Information
3.1 Emergency

3.2 General Information


This is a sign which provides information by a combination of shape, colour and pictogram which can be seen by lighting of sufficient intensity. In practice signboards are accompanied by supplementary text. There are five main categories of signboard the table below gives further information. 


Mandatory Warning Safe Condition Fire Fighting
Meaning Dangerous behaviour or You must not or do not or Stop You must do or carry out the action indicated given by the sign or Obey Hazard or risk of danger or Caution First aid or Where to go in an emergency or The safe way or No Danger Identification of equipment or Where to find equipment 

Red (outline and diagonal) 
White (field)  
Blue (field)  
Black (outline)
Yellow (field)  
Green (field)  
Red (field) 

Text Black 

White on Red Field White 

White on Blue Field Black 

Black on Yellow Field White 

White on Green Field White 

White on red Field 

Illuminated sign: 
A sign made from transparent or translucent material which is illuminated from the inside or the rear to give the appearance of a luminous surface. (e.g. emergency exit signs). 

Hand signals: 
A movement or position of the arms or hands by a person giving a recognized signal and guiding persons who are carrying out maneuvers which may cause a hazard or danger to persons.( e.g. crane operations) 

Acoustic signal: 
A sound transmitted with mechanical/ electrical device. (E.g. fire alarm alert) 

Standard safety signs should be posted to warn of real and/or potential dangers within the workplace. 
1.  Signs should be durable, securely fastened and properly maintained to ensure they remain visible. 
2.  Danger signs should be used in areas where a failure to adhere to the warning on the sign would result in injury. 
3.  Caution signs should be used in areas where a failure to adhere to the warning on the sign may result in injury or occupational illness. 
4.  Safety signs should be used to convey guidance to prevent accidents or equipment misuse (i.e. eyewash station, safety shower.)  
5.  Whether the hazard is permanent or temporary e.g. maintenances or project work, whenever signboards are used they must be large, clear, easily seen and understood by employees. 
6. The use of reflective material may be needed in areas of poor natural light. 
7.  Avoid using too many signboards in close proximity as there is a danger of confusion and of important information being overlooked. 
8.  If there is no standard signboard available, then it is acceptable to make your own provided that it conforms to the general principles and has the features stated in the table above. 
9.  A text in local language could be added to aid understanding, should be in the same colour as the type of signboard it is supplementing.  

10. Each plant building/structure or room which contains bulk storage of chemicals should post on the exterior address side, a standard sign designating the primary danger of all the substances within the building for each category. 
They need to be positioned near the area or near the doors leading to the area or room. 
11. Signs used to mark obstacles or dangerous locations should be striped in yellow and black. 
12. Markings indicating traffic routes within workplaces should be continuous lines in either yellow or white, depending on the colour of the ground. 
13. Fire safety sign is specifically defined as a sign which: 
Provides information on escape routes and emergency exits in case of fire 
Provides information on the identification or location of fire fighting equipment 
Gives warning in case of fire. 

Markings could be used as warnings where the use of a sign or tag is infeasible. 
1.  Red floor markings outlined in red and/or crossed by diagonal white strips, surround or mark a boundary or a dangerous area. Signs indicating the danger and appropriate regulations shall be posted conspicuously within the marked area. The colour red shall also be used to indicate fire protection equipment and equipment stops and to mark dangers where the probability of an accident is high. 
2. Yellow floor markings, outlined in black and/or crossed by diagonal black stripes, if necessary for visibility, shall indicate a tripping hazard or delineate a means of egress. Yellow markings shall also be used to indicate a catching hazard, such as on a machine and potential physical hazards where the probability of an accident is moderate. 
3. Orange markings on machinery shall be used to draw attention to removed guards, exposed blades, and similar hazards. Orange markings shall be used on the interiors of electrical switchboxes and other electrical equipment to draw attention to the electrical hazard in places where conductors are exposed. 

Transportation of Dangerous Goods as well as Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, specify the symbols on containers. 
These symbols indicate the nature of the hazardous material such as compressed gas, corrosive, flammable, oxidizing or toxic material.


Colour attracts attention and can be used extensively for safety purposes. For example, colour can be used as an additional safety measure to indicate hazards or point out safety equipment. 
For example, colour can be applied on:


Safety colours are also useful in work areas, and on equipment and machinery. The safety colours and their meanings are listed below, based on the standard.

Colour Meaning   Examples

Red Danger or stop - Containers of flammable liquids;
- Emergency stop buttons 
   (protect against inadvertent initiation) 
- Fire protection equipment

Orange Warning                            - Hazardous parts of machines which may cut
               Or crush or otherwise injure a worker;
- Inside of movable guards or
- Inside of    transmission guards for gears,
   Pulleys, chains etc;
- Exposed parts (edges only) of pulleys,      gears, rollers, cutting devices, power jaws, etc.

Yellow Caution                                            - Physical hazards which might result in
Striking against, stumbling, falling,       tripping, being caught in-between;
- Storage cabinets for flammable materials;
- Containers for unstable materials.

Green First aid/safety equipment               - Emergency egress, exit routes
 - First aid kits /stations/ stretchers;
  -Emergency showers/ eyewash fountain.

Blue Safety information - Signs requiring use of,
   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Control panels:
Indicator light button/control
Red Danger – alarm stop/off
Yellow Caution - Caution/intervention needed
Green Safe condition - Start/on

Piping system:
There are many ways you can identify the contents of pipes. The code of practice, however, requires you to train your workers on the identification system you use. A way of ensuring that your employees have a clear understanding of what a pipe contains is by labeling the pipe with a tag that clearly identifies the material inside attaching the appropriate hazard symbol. Use arrows on the pipe to show the direction of the flow of the contents.
Safety colours conventionally used for pipes in the workplace include:


To evaluate your existing safety sign and colour system plan a yearly audit. 
Evaluation could be done on the following points.
What messages need to be conveyed to employees and workplace visitors?
Which messages are most important to health and safety?
Do current signs appropriately convey the importance of a message? 
Are current signs and safety colours easy to understand? 
How about the needs of employees who are not literate?

Are employees trained to understand workplace signs and colours?
Do employees comply with signs? 
Is there consistency in the use of safety signs and colours?
Are signs visible, away from clutter or obstructions, and well-lighted?
Are signs and colours effective in drawing attention to hazards?
Are signs posted in the best possible location and within an appropriate distance from hazards?
What is the general condition of existing signs?
Do signs meet legal requirements?
Do the signs, symbols and colours used reflect current standards?


After determine your needs, ensure the signs and colours are used consistently. It has advantage that employees learn that signs and colours mean the same thing even when they work in different departments or plant locations. It also enables employees to quickly locate first aid, fire fighting and other emergency equipment.
Signs especially those that indicate hazards should:
attract a person’s attention
clearly identify the nature of the hazard
specify the immediate action required
be posted in a place that provides enough time for a person to read the sign and act accordingly
be easily recognized and understood by all employees
reflect the needs of those who have visual limitations or who do not speak English
be sized or placed according to the importance of the message.


Signs should be clearly visible, positioned in the line of sight and free from any obstructions or clutter.
Keep signs well-lighted natural or artificial for visibility. Observers should be able to read a sign easily and recognize its safety colour and hazard.
Post the sign within an appropriate distance from the hazard it is pointing out.
An observer must have enough time to see and read the sign and do whatever is necessary to keep safe.
In general, signs should be displayed alone. When signs must be grouped together, place them in an appropriate order.
Use no more than three symbols on a single display board. 
Ensure that directional signs are visible from all directions. Include arrows on exit signs wherever the direction is not obvious. Directional signs should be posted at a consistent height throughout the workplace. They should also be posted at appropriate locations or decision points so that the route to take is always clear.
Help employees and workplace visitors understand signs quickly by using clear language and symbols that can be learned and recognized easily.
Keep symbols as simple as possible; eliminate details that don’t make the message clearer.
Avoid using signs that contain only text messages. A combination of text and symbols is generally the most effective.
Consider use of local language text understood by the majority of employees with English. 
Use capital letters for the first letter of the first word and small letters for the rest.
Use appropriate warning words. These can be in capital letters, if you prefer. 
The lettering fonts most recommended are bold or regular face. 
Limit one message to a sign. To convey more than one message, use separate signs. 
Sign boards could be hanging or wall bracketed inside the buildings and on stand alone post in the open area.
Signs should have rounded or blunted corners to prevent sharp edges, burrs, splinters or other sharp projections.
Position fastening devices carefully so that they don’t become hazards.


Maintain safety signs in good condition at all times. It reflects on the work culture.
Inspect signs during regular workplace inspections.
Replace worn, faded, damaged, and outdated signs.
Change signs that are often misunderstood. 
Remove signs that are redundant or no longer needed.
Repaint areas where safety colours have faded.


Everyone may not be aware that there is a purpose for and meaning in the shape and colour of safety signs or colours on equipment and around the workplace indicate hazards.
Ensure that all employees and contractors understand what signs mean and the potential results of not following them. Also point out to employees that their cooperation and feedback are necessary for the system to be effective.
Train employees so that they understand,
the meaning of the various shapes, symbols and colours used.
the contents of pipes based on their colour, attached tags and other markings
the consequences if exposed to the hazard 
safety precautions to follow
what to do in an emergency
how to use emergency equipment
Make this training a part of your orientation or induction training for new employees.
Provide employees with orientation handbooks that contain complete and updated information on the safety signs and colours used in your workplace.


Safety posters and slogans are an aid to promote safety culture in the organization. It should be understood that the impact is short lived. The poster which is permanently displayed at one location is overlooked. Hence the poster should be periodically changed for example weekly or monthly. The poster which is well illuminated with focused light has good visibility at all times and gets quick attention.
Do not display posters and slogans which can not be maintained, for example on lamp posts and painted on surfaces of buildings and compound walls. Avoid over doing of such displays. It has a bad impression.
Organize periodic campaigns with focused approach to improve operational safety, for example good housekeeping, safety in use of hand tools and power driven tools. Display posters suitable to activity in the respective area.  
Give priority to posters drawn by the employees to encourage their participation in safety activities. 


In the present era of globalization, proper display boards on the premises are essential to project the right image of the organization. Stake holders, Corporate Officials, international dignitaries, visiting the premises should get the positive message of the organization at first look. Display boards play an important role in this regard.
The displays should project,
Core values of the organization
Vision statement
Mission statement
Corporate policy statement
The above display boards may be placed in the vicinity of main admin block with unobstructed view. Focused light could be used, so that even after darkness they are visible.
The board depicting national/ international location marks may be displayed in the reception lobby, to show the scale of operations.

The activities of environment protection measures adopted by the organization such as,
Environmental conservation practices,   
Reduction, recycle and reuse of waste generated on site. These displays could be in the premises, where it is being practiced and implemented.
Environmental performance standards.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, the organization is implementing many community development programs in the neighborhood.  The activities such as,
Supporting education for girl students.
Health check up facilities.
Improving quality of life. 

The above activities could be displayed near the premises on the main traffic road. It would be viewed by 
employees as well as general public. Care should be taken to change the displays at fixed periodicity. 

 a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, the organization is implementing many community development programs in the neighborhood.  The activities such as,
·         Supporting education for girl students.
·         Health check up facilities.
·         Improving quality of life.

The above activities could be displayed near the premises on the main traffic road. It would be viewed by
employees as well as general public. Care should be taken to change the displays at fixed periodicity.