Sunday, August 18, 2013

Difference between Job Safety Analysis and Work Permit

How you will explain the Difference between Job Safety Analysis and Work Permit.

1. job safety analysis (JSA) and safe work method are all tools used to manage risk. 

Step out the task activities 
Identify the hazards (what could hurt someone?) 
Grade and register the initial Risk involved in performing the task 
Identify ways to eliminate or control the risk 
Grade and register the residual risk after the controls are put in place 

A Permit to work system is a formal written system used to control certain types of work which are identify as potentially hazardous. It is also a means of communication between site/installation management, plant supervisors and operators and those who carry out the work. 

best regards

2  The PTW ( Permit To Work ) special case of safe system of work must be in written used to identify the hazards and the methods to control these hazards with safe and proper manner and PTW can be done by designated people (permit holder , Person in charge ,,etc ) 
The PTW can cover the entire activity or process from the begining to the end with a safe and control manner 
JSA is proactive measure used to identify the existing and the potential hazards by involving employees , share ideas ,suggest solutions divide the task into steps and study each one individually with the people involved in the task

3 A JSA is an assessment done on a specific task such as climbing a tower to install antennas. One systematically lists the hazards and associated risks aligned with the task, and puts in place controls to ensure a safe job execution. While a Work Permit, is general assessment done on a nature of activities such as hot works, to ensure foreseeable risks are controlled to prevent any incidents/accidents. In summary JSA applies to a specific task while Work permits apply to a nature of tasks.

4  Before any work permit is given for a specific task or job there should be JSA to analyse the hazard associated with that Task making sure you have put all remedial action in place or resolve those you can before that Job commences. Don't do any Job without JSA. we can also do JSA when we want to change management. Making sure you introduce the Job properly and all hazard associate it.

5  Job safety analysis (JSA), is a safety management tool in which the risks or hazards of a specific job in the workplace are identified, and then measures to eliminate or control those hazards are determined and implemented. More specifically, a job safety analysis is a process of systematically evaluating certain jobs, tasks, processes or procedures and eliminating or reducing the risks or hazards to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) in order to protect workers from injury or illness. The JSA process is documented and the JSA document is used in the workplace or at the job site to guide workers in safe job performance. 

A work permit system is a formal written system to control certain types of work when these are identified as potentially hazardous. The terms "P.T.W.", "permit" or "work permit" refer to the form used in such system which is used by a company to meet its needs. These systems aim to ensure proper planning and consideration are given to the risks involved in a particular job, at a specific time and place, with designated precautions

6  The simple understanding about these two are as like this .JSA is a systematical method in which all the related risks in a specified work is mentioned and its remedies. WORK PERMIT is an official authorization to perform a work.

7  JSA is job safety analysis means identification of the hazard related to the job and precautionary measure to betaken for the elimination of the hazard is called JSA. 

Work permit. is a written document which is authorized a group and person to perform the duties acording to permit condition . permit is issued by authorized person and received by competent person jointly visit the site before working / job decided the precautionary measure and procedure .

8  PTW is an on line system for definite wide range of activities that held in organization,especially in oil & gas industries.and i think "clarifying responsibilities" is the main object of this system. 
JSA is a systematic approach for risk reduction.

9  Job Safety Analysis or Job Hazard Analysis is the first step in determining all hazards of any job, by analyzing each job task. Safe Work Methods or Safe Operating Procedures are usually developed from the JSA or JHA. It is difficult to write safe operating procedures without first determining the job hazards. In 2011 I published a book detailing a Job Hazard Analysis process. If anyone is interested please let me know

10  It is my understanding that a JSA looks at current and prospective injury/illness exposures (I like clients to do these prospectively to force them to anticipate issues and prepare accordingly) and detail actions to minimize these risks, and work (safety) permits do the same for risks and exposures that develop and could not be anticipated. Clients working at Harvard are required to complete and submit Pre-Task Plans prior to performing high risk work. 
11  Most Work Permits have an element that embodies the SWP for the task being Permitted (along with other specific sections as determined by the "client"). The permit it issued by the plant operator for a specific period of time in which the task may be carried out. They may be written by the contractor, then simply signed off on, or may actually require an eyes on by someone from operations to identify visually the area of focus prior to Permit issuance (typical in live plant operations). Depending on the work taking place Work Permits are further broken down into sub-categories Hot Work Permits / Cold Work Permits / Confined Space Permits / Ground Disturbance Permits etc, etc, etc., (or combinations of the above to cover one area of operation).
The Permitting System is in place so that there are no tasks being undertaken on site that Operations is not aware of. how many, who they are, where they are, what they are doing, and when,they'll be doing it. .

  PTW is one of the control system of any clients or big companies in all areas involving hazardous areas like CAT I, CATII, CAT III or ZONE 0, ZONE 1 and ZONE 2. and in any hazardous activities like CS., Excavation and work involving high voltage. 

while the JSA is a written work safety procedure in a specific activity. sometimes attached in submition of method statement and RA to approved the activity by the main safety consultant during the hazardous work like Rigging and Lifting. 
PTW is regulation and procedure while JSA is procedure. They are both safety tools.

12  with Job Safety Assessment (JSA ) done prior to permit issuance. Safe Work Procedure /Practice (SWPs) as applied to the task assist in permit completion & Field Level Risk/Hazard Assessments (FLRA/FLHAs) are done by the crew, at the location, after the permit is issued, but before work begins.

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